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Will of Timothy Wright of Snow Hall, gentlemanIn the Name of God Amen. This is the Last Will and Testament of me Timothy Wright of Snowhall in the County of Durham Gentleman. First I give and Devise unto the use of my Faithful Servant Sarah Wake of Snowhall in the County of Durham for and during the Term of her Natural Life All my Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments in the Township of Gainford or Elsewhere in the County of Durham, and from and after her Decease I give and Devise to the use of my Friend Richard Sherwood of Staindrop in the County of Durham Apothecary His Heirs and Assigns for Ever all my said Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments in the Township of Gainford or Elsewhere in the County of Durham. I give and Bequeath to my reputed Daughter Mary Stephenson now or late of London spinster the Daughter of Ann Stephenson now or late of Raby in the County of Durham The sum of two Hundred pounds of Lawful money of Great Brittain to be paid within one year next after my Decease by my Executrix herein after named. Allso I give to my Reputed Son Timothy Bainbridg of Barnard Castle in the County of Durham weaver the sum of Two Hundred pounds of lawful money of Great Brittain to be paid within one year next after my Decease by my Executrix herein after named. I allso give to my God Daughter Mary Airey of Gainford my Largest Silver Salver. I allso give to the Reverend Philip Airey of Gainford My Largest Silver Tanchard. I likewise give to William Nevill Brockett of Barnstaple my Spanish Gun & powder Horn. I likewise give to my servant George Soulby if he lives with me at the time of my Death all my wearing apparell and one years wages above what may be due to him at my Decease. My will further is to be Carried in a Hearse to the Church Gates in Gainford, to be Buried in the Church, to be Carried from the Gates to the Church by Eight of the Poorest men in Gainford that are able to Bear me, without any pall over the Coffin, to whome I give half a Guinea to Each for their troble and I order that four stone of Beef and Eight gallons of Ale be ready at some publick House in Gainford for the said men. All the residue of my parsonall Estates of what nature or kind whatsoever and wheresoever I give to my servant Sarah Wake of Snowhall and I Hereby Charge both my Real and personall Estates with the payment of my Just Debts and Legacies. Lastly I nominate and appoint my Faithfull Servant Sarah Wake of Snowhall in the County of Durham Sole Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament revoking all other wills made by me. In Wittness whereof I the said Timothy Wright to this my Last Will and Testament have set my Hand and Seal this thirteenth Day of September in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred and Seventy Eight. Timothy Wright
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Inventory of Jane Shaftoe of Newcastle upon Tyne, widow
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Will of Henry Bainbridge of Witton Gilbert, gentleman
[End of page 1 of 2. Ref: DPRI/1/1778/B1/1] … But if in case my Dear Wife & all our Three Children should Dye Leaving no Issues (which God forbid) that then & in such case my Will & mind is that I give Devise & bequeath my said Estate at Scoutshouse & all the remains of my Personal Estate to my said Nephew Mr Anthony Fothergill his heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns for Ever; But if case my said Nephew Mr Anthony Fothergill should Dye leaving no Issue, that then & in such case I give and bequeath my said Estate at Scoutshouse & & the remains of <my> Personal Estate to my Dear Brother Mr Marmaduke Bainbridge at Halbank in Dent Yorkshire; to be Equally Divided amongst his several Grandchildren of his only sons Mr John Bainbridges of Halbank aforesaid & their heirs Executors Admninistrators & Assigns for Ever, And I desire that my Dear Wife will give at any time or times whatsoever to her Dear Father & Sister Mrs Mary Clarke out of our Effects what shee may think fit & proper so to do - N.B. if my son & heir Henry should Die & leave no Issue, that then my Son John shall be heir of Scootshouse & his heirs Executors &c for Ever, but if he should Dye & leave no Issue that then & in such case I make my Dear Daughter Frances Bainbridge & her Heirs Executors Administrators & Assigns Sole Heiress of Scoutshouse Estate for Ever; But I allow my Heir Henry to dispose of & sell the said Estates for raising money in order to pay his Brother & Sisters fortunes or portions (if he chooses <so to do>) - And lastly I do declare my Dear Wife to be my Sole Executrix of this my last Will & Testament, Given under my hand and Seal the Tenth day of July 1772.
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Will of Thomas Nixon of Leehouse in AlstonIn the name of god amen. The vith [6th] day of Februarye in the yeare of our lord god 1612. I Thomas Nixon of Leehouse in Aldston Moore and Countye of Cumberland yeoman, beinge sicke in bodye, but of whole mynd, and in perfect remembrance, (laud and prayse be unto almightye god for the same) make and ordayne this my present Testament, Conteyninge hearin my last will in manner and forme followinge. First I doe recommend my soule into the handes of almightie god my maker and redeamer. And my bodye to be buried in the Church or Church yard of Garrigill, with my mortuarye and funerall expences dischardged. Item I will that all such debtes as I of right doe owe unto any person or persons be well and thankfullye paid by myne executors. Item I give unto myne eldest sonne Thomas Nixon my Tenement or farmhold called Esgillside. And I give give unto Henry Nixon my second sonne my Tenement or farmhold at Leehouse. Item I give my goodes and Chattelles unto my Children upon such Conditions as shall hearafter followe. Item I give unto my said sonne Thomas Nixon xl li. Item unto my daughter Agnes Nixon xxx li. Item unto my sonne Reignald Nixon xxi li. Item to my sonne Cuthbart Nixon ten poundes. Item I give towardes a free schole at Aldston fyve poundes if it can be procured ay any tyme within seaven yeares. Item I give unto the poore folkes of Aldston twentye shillinges. And to the poore in garrigill xx s. Item I give towardes the repairinge of one bridge over Esgill burne xx s. Item I give unto Henry Walton of Welgill ten shillinges. Item I give unto every one of my breathren and sisters Children, both of myne owne side, and my wives ii s vi d. Item I give unto everye god barne that I have within Aldston Moore one lambe. The rest of all my goodes and Chattelles moveable and unmoveable I give and bequeath unto my fyve Children videlicet Thomas, Henry, Reignald, Cuthbart and Agnes equallye to be devyded amongst them except that which is of right due unto my wife Jaine) And I make my two eldest sonnes Thomas and Henrye myne whole executors of this my last will. And I make supervisors hearof for my Children Mr Rauph Whitfeild, Thomas Stephenson, Thomas Archer And John Walton, And my will and intent is that these fower men afore named shall have the upbringinge and government of my said Children duringe their minoritie And also that the said fower men shall have the tuition of my said Children granted unto them, And the settinge forward of their porcions, for I repose great trust in them. And if there be any of my said Children that will not be Counselled And governed by them, then I will that that Child soe refusinge their Counsell shall have such parte and porcion of my said goodes and Chattelles, as the said fower men shall sett downe and appoint, And the rest of that Childes porcion to goe forward unto the Commoditye of the Residue of my said Children. Wittnesses hearof Cuthbart Walton <juratus> [sworn] John Walton <juratus> and Thomas Archer <juratus>. Memorandum that after the making of the said will the said testator beinge of perfect mind and memorie did by word of mouth at severall tymes before severall persons <here under named> give & bequeath divers legacies as followeth videlicet
To the Children of Lawrence Lee xxx s in the presence of Mr Raphe Whittfield <juratus> & John Walton & others [End of page 1 of 1. Ref: DPRI/1/1612/N3/1] …
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