In the name of God Amen. The sixteenth day of Febru
ary in the nineteenth yeare of the Raigne of our Sove
raigne Lord Charles the second by the grace of god, of Eng
land, Scotland, France & Ireland King &c. And in the
yeare of our lord god one thousand six hundred sixty &
six: I Edward Rayne <the elder> of Gainford in the County of Dur
ham yeoman being diseased in body but of a good and
perfect memory (Praised be god) doe for the greater freedome
to my owne heart in wayting upon god and expecting
the dissolucion of this fraile body and also for the better dis
poseall of that Estate, wherewith God hath blessed me to
the satisfaction of my selfe and freindes make this my
last will and Testament (revoking and anulling
all other formerly by me made either by word or writ
ing) in manner and forme following
Inprimis I Commend my soule to Almighty God my Creatour, hope
ing assuredly through the onely merits of Jesus Christ
to be made a partaker of everlasting life and my body
to be buried in the Church yard of Gainford as neere my
wife as Conveniently may be when god shall please to call me
Item I give unto my sonne Richard Rayne All my lands &
hereditaments lying in Gainford now in my posession
or which shall be hereafter
Item I Give unto my sonne Cuthbert Rayne All the landes
in Gainford and Bolam which hee is now posessed of
together with a Cottage in Bolam after my decease of
which as yet hee is <not> posessed of
Item I give unto my sonne Cuthbert a paire of oxen
Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Anne Eden five
Item I give and bequeath unto Henry Eden my Grandchild
forty shillinges
Item I give and bequeath unto Edward Eden my grand
Child one Ewe and a lambe as also one heifer
Item I give and bequeth unto Cuthbert Rayne my Grand
Child and Robert Rayne my grand Child to either of them
one ewe with a lambe
I give and bequeath to Edward Rayne sonne to Cuthbert
Rayne my grand Child one ewe with a lambe and
also one heifer. Also to Mary Rayne my grand child I
give one heifer
[End of page 1 of 1. Ref: DPRI/1/1667/R1/1-2]
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Apriell the 13 th 1667.
A true and perfect Inventory of all the good and chatels
of Edward Rayne Late of Gainford deseased Apprised and
vallewed by us whose names are subscribed
li |
s |
d |
Imprimis |
his Purse and Apparrell |
10 |
0 |
0 |
Item |
In the foore house one stand bed with Cortings
feitherbed and other furniture there unto belonging
one table one Cobart one Longsettell two Chaires
two boffett stoles one furme one Recking crooke one
paire of tongs one Bible with som other impliments |
3 |
6 |
8 |
Item |
In the Low Parler one stand bed with fur-
niture there unto belonginge one table one Chare
one Livery Cubart with other Impliments |
3 |
0 |
0 |
Item |
In the west chamer one Cubert one beefe trogh
two chists with sum other small Impliments |
1 |
0 |
0 |
Item |
In the west Loft one Table one Livery cobart
one chist & one chare |
0 |
10 |
0 |
[End of page 1 of 1. Ref: DPRI/1/1667/R1/3]
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Item I give unto my Cosen John Compton twelve pence for a token
Item I give unto my sonn John all my Landes belonging unto me
(excepting those two Closes and house given to my sonn Ambrose)
All the rest of my goodes and Chattles mooveable and unmoov-
able I give and bequeath unto my wife and my son John
(Legacies & (my funerall expences discharged) whom I make Joynt Ex-
ecutours of this my last will & testament
Richard Raine
Signed Sealed and
delivered in the presence
of us
Robert Stoddert
[End of page 1 of 1. Ref: DPRI/1/1670/R2/1]
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June the 16th 1670
A true and perfect Inventory of all the goods and
Chattles of Richard Rayne of Gainford late deceas-
ed, taken and apprized by us whose names are
heere subscribed.
Imprimis |
His purse and apparell |
10 |
00 |
00 |
Item |
In the fore house: One table one forme one
Chaire two joynt stooles one stand bed with
necessaries belonging to it, one Truckle bed
with the same belonging, two Reckon Crooks
two paire of Tongs, one fire shovle one bible
with other implements |
05 |
00 |
00 |
Item |
In the Low Parlor one Cupboord one
side Cupboord two Chaires two joynt stooles
one truncke with other implements |
02 |
10 |
00 |
[End of page 1 of 1. Ref: DPRI/1/1670/R2/3]
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Noverint universi per presentes nos Eduardum Rayne de Snow
Hall parochia de Gainford Generosi & Farrow Eden <de> Darlington Generosi
& Gulielmum Stephenson de Darlington in Comitatu Dunelmensis
teneri et firmiter obligari Reverendo in Christo Patri & Domino Domino Willimo
Providentia Diocesæ Dunelmensis Episcopus ac Venerabili Viro Exton Sayer Legum
Doctori ejusdem Reverendi Patris Officili principali in Centum
libris bonæ et legalis monetæ Magnæ Britanniæ solvendis Reverendo Principali Officiali aut
suo certo Attornato Executoribus vel Administratoribus suis Ad quam quidem solutionem bene
et fideliter faciendam Obligmus nos et quemlibet nostrum per se pro toto et in solidum
Heredes Executores et Administratores nostros et cuiuslibet nostrum firmiter per presentes.
Sigillis nostris Sigillat Dat vicesimo tertio die mensis Januaris
Annoque Regni Domini Georgii tertio
dei gratia Magnæ Britanniæ Franciæ et Hibernie Regis fidei defensor
&c Annoque domini 1729.
[Know all men by these presents that we Edward Rayne of Snow
Hall in the parish of Gainford Gentleman & Farrow Eden of Darlington Gentleman
& William Sephenson of Darlington in the County of Durham
are held and firmly bound to the Reverend Father in Christ & the Lord the lord William
by divine providence bishop of the diocese of Durham and to the venerable Exton Sayer Doctor
of Laws Official Principal of the of the same Reverend Father in one hundred
pounds of good and lawful money of Great Britain to be paid to the said Reverend Official Principal or
his certain Attornies Executors or Administrators for which payment well
and truly to be made we bind ourselves and any of us by himself for the whole and completely
our and every of our heirs executors and administrators firmly by these presents.
Sealed with our seals, dated the twenty-third day of January
and the third year of the reign of lord George the third
by the grace of God King of Great Britain France and Ireland defender of the faith
&c. and in the year of the Lord 1729.] |
The Condicion of this Obligation is such that if the above bounden Edward Rayne Administrator of all and singuler the goods chattells and credits of John Rayne his father late of Snow Hall deceased doe make or cause to be made a true and perfect Inventory of all and singuler the goods chattells and credits of the said deceased which have or shall come to the hands possession or knowledge of him the said Edward Rayne or into the hands and possession of any person or persons for him and the same soe made doe exhibit or cause to be exhibited into the Registry of the Consistory Court of Durham at or before the twenty fourth day of June next ensuing And the same goods chattells and credits and all other the goods chattells and credits of the said deceased at the time of his death which at any time after shall come to the hands or possession of the said Edward Rayne or into the hands and possession of any other person or persons for him doe well and truly administer according to law And further doe make or cause to be made a true and just accompt of his said Administracion at or before the twenty fourth day of June and all the rest and residue of the said goods chattells and credits which shall be found remaining upon the said Administrators accompt the same being first examined and allowed of by the Judge or Judges for the time being of the said Court shall deliver and pay unto such person or persons respectively as the said Judge or Judges, by his or their decree or sentence pursuant to the true intent and meaning of a late Act of Parliament made in the two and twentieth and three and twentieth yeares of the raigne of our Lord Soveraigne Lord King Charles the second (Intituled An Act for the better settling of Intestates Estates) shall limitt and appoint And if it shall hereafter appeare that any last will and Testament was made by the said deceased and the Executor or Executors therein named doe exhibit the same into the said Court makeing request to have it allowed and approved accordingly if the said Edward Rayne above bounden being thereunto required doe render and deliver the said Lettres of Administracion (approbacion of such Testament being first had and made) in the said Court Then this Obligacion to be void and of none effect or else to remaine in full force and vertue.
Edward Rayne
Farrow Eden
William Stephenson
Sealed and delivered
in the presence of
Edward Bell Surrogate
[End of page 1 of 1. Ref: DPRI/3/1729/B289]
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In the Name of God Amen I Edward
Rayne of Raby Castle in the County of
Durham Gentleman Do make & Ordain this
my Last Will & Testament as follows
I Give & Devise to Tymothy Wright of Snowhall
in the said <County> Gentleman to his Heirs & Assigns
All that my messuage or Tenement called
Snow Hall & all Lands & Grounds thereunto
belonging & all other my Lands & Tenements
in the Townshipp of Gainford or elsewhere
in the said County of Durham To hold the same
to the said Timothy Wright his Heirs & Assigns
for ever & I hereby make & Appoint the
said Timothy Wright Sole Executor of this
my last Will In Witnesse whereof I have
hereunto sett my hand & seal this twenty
fourth day of February in
the Year of our Lord 1758
Edward Rayne
Signed Sealed Published
& Declared by the said Edward
Rayne as & for his last Will
& Testament Who at his request
& in his presence Subscribed
our names as Witnesses hereto
John Eden
Thomas Coxon
Christopher Jobling
[End of page 1 of 1. Ref: DPRI/1/1769/R2/1-2]
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my said Copyhold Messuage or Tenement Lands and Hereditaments Shall
be and remain And I do hereby give and devise the same to the said
Timothy Wright his Heirs and Assigns for ever to and for his and their
own use and Benefit And I give unto the said John Eden all my personal
Estate (after Payment of my Debts and Funerals) In Trust to apply
the same for the Benefit of my said Father and Sister in such manner as
he the said John Eden shall think fit And I appoint the said John
Eden Executor of this my Will and revocking all former Wills by me made
I declare this to be my last Will In Witness whereof I
have to this my last Will and Testament contained in two sheets of
Paper to the first whereof I have set my Hand and to the last my Hand
and Seal this Tenth day of December - in the year of our
Lord one Thousand seven hundred and forty eight.
Edward Rayne
Signed Sealed Published & Declared
by the said Testator as and for his last Will and
Testament in the presence of us who in his presence
and at his Request have subscribed our Names
as Witnesses thereto
Diana Mainwaring her mark
William Brockett
William Fogg
[End of page 1 of 1. Ref: DPRI/1/1749/R3/1-2]
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In the Name of God Amen. This is the Last Will and Testament of me Timothy Wright of Snowhall in the County of Durham Gentleman. First I give and Devise unto the use of my Faithful Servant Sarah Wake of Snowhall in the County of Durham for and during the Term of her Natural Life All my Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments in the Township of Gainford or Elsewhere in the County of Durham, and from and after her Decease I give and Devise to the use of my Friend Richard Sherwood of Staindrop in the County of Durham Apothecary His Heirs and Assigns for Ever all my said Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments in the Township of Gainford or Elsewhere in the County of Durham. I give and Bequeath to my reputed Daughter Mary Stephenson now or late of London spinster the Daughter of Ann Stephenson now or late of Raby in the County of Durham The sum of two Hundred pounds of Lawful money of Great Brittain to be paid within one year next after my Decease by my Executrix herein after named. Allso I give to my Reputed Son Timothy Bainbridg of Barnard Castle in the County of Durham weaver the sum of Two Hundred pounds of lawful money of Great Brittain to be paid within one year next after my Decease by my Executrix herein after named. I allso give to my God Daughter Mary Airey of Gainford my Largest Silver Salver. I allso give to the Reverend Philip Airey of Gainford My Largest Silver Tanchard. I likewise give to William Nevill Brockett of Barnstaple my Spanish Gun & powder Horn. I likewise give to my servant George Soulby if he lives with me at the time of my Death all my wearing apparell and one years wages above what may be due to him at my Decease. My will further is to be Carried in a Hearse to the Church Gates in Gainford, to be Buried in the Church, to be Carried from the Gates to the Church by Eight of the Poorest men in Gainford that are able to Bear me, without any pall over the Coffin, to whome I give half a Guinea to Each for their troble and I order that four stone of Beef and Eight gallons of Ale be ready at some publick House in Gainford for the said men. All the residue of my parsonall Estates of what nature or kind whatsoever and wheresoever I give to my servant Sarah Wake of Snowhall and I Hereby Charge both my Real and personall Estates with the payment of my Just Debts and Legacies. Lastly I nominate and appoint my Faithfull Servant Sarah Wake of Snowhall in the County of Durham Sole Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament revoking all other wills made by me. In Wittness whereof I the said Timothy Wright to this my Last Will and Testament have set my Hand and Seal this thirteenth Day of September in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred and Seventy Eight.
Timothy Wright
Signed sealed published and Declared
By Timothy Wright the Testator
as and for his Last Will and Testament
who at his request and in his presence
and in the presence of each orther
Have subscribed our Names as Wittnesses thereunto
John Miller
Robert Elwan
Thomas Burn |
[End of page 1 of 1. Ref: DPRI/1/1778/W12/1]
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George Soulby and Sarah Wake both of this Parish were Married by
Lycence May the 27 1779
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Elizabeth Sarah
Sherwood died Oct 24 1829
aged 28 years.
Ralph Sherwood
died Jan 11 1830
aged 31 years.
Thomas Sherwood
M.D. died Feb 28 1830
aged 60 years.
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