In the name of god Amen The viiith of auguste In the third yere of king
Edward the sexte & c. I robert shell of berwyk gunner makes this my will
& testament in maner & forme folowinge first I bequieth my soule to god
Almighty & to all the celestiall company in heven my body to be buried
in the churche yeard of berwyk Item I give unto thomas Temple ii [2] kye
& the reste of monay to make owt v [5] markes Item I give unto my wif my hous[e]
unto [until] my boy be of xxiiii [24] yeres of age And than to com to my sonne
whom I lymett unto thomas shell of annwyk with his part & all
my shopp gere & x [10] stone of Ironn Item I give to william shell x [10] stone of
Ironn & xx s Item I give to cristian shell xx s & a clokke & her part
of vessell when she comes to age Item I give the price of two gonnes
to my mother & my suster for thone of the which I ame bidden xx s &
for the other xxx s I will yf I die the xx s that I had with Oswald
Ewvard my s[ervand] apprentice be given hym agane The reste of all
my goodes I give unto my wifAnd unto my children
gotten with her whom I mak my full executoures Maid at
berwyk the day & yere abovesaid Thes witnesses John clavering
robert story thomas foster John tyndaill with other[s]
Detts owyng by hym |
To Janet temple | iii li | vi s | viii d |
To elsabeth temple | xiii s | iiii d | |
To andrew bawdkyn | x s | viii d | |
Too martyn shell wif | xx s | ||
Dettes owing to hym with monay |
In rialls new | xxiiii | ||
in sylverr | v or vi li | ||
Item in the kinges majesties handes to be paid by Mr douner for iii monthes ended the firste of <Septembre> at viii d the day for my self & vi d the day for [<every of> my] two servandes And from the lik wages by the space of iiii xx ix [89] days at xx d the day |
vii li † | ||
Item Mr Ridgeway owith me fo work of Dunglasse Hume Roxbrugh |
iii li | xiii s | iiii d & more |
Mr Captane for my wages xii days at viii d per die & for my ii servandes wages at [vi d] [per] diem for xii days |
xx s | ||
Also Mr Captane owith [me for] striving a peice of ordn ance & Clement Shell … x s & mor unto me iiii s |
xiiii s | ||
John Sikes owith me for … [d]ays at viii d for my self by the day & vii d the pece [for] my two men |
xxii [s] | ||
Item I have a gonne of th… … …taithes I give hym one for it | |||
Item I have a gonne of m… … …s wherfor he shall giv[e] …s of …tes one of John duc … …es a dagge of antony … |
I [have a] gonne & a dagge … othus & … haith a gonne … myn[e] … …awe … … tak a dagg |
[End of page 1 of 1. Ref: DPRI/1/1549/S5/1]
clokke | probably a cloak rather than a clock |
dagge [dag] | a kind of heavy pistol or hand-gun |
rial [ryal] | a gold coin, at this date of the value of 15 shillings |
A Robert Shell, smith, appears with a John Shell, in a Book of Expenses of Building up the walls of Berwick-upon-Tweed, which work took place in the autumn of 1535. (LPFD, vol. IX, 637; SP 1/98 f.25). The Shells' work comprised working 28 stone of iron into wedges and sharpening tools for the town's masons. The 1583 will of a kinsman named Martine Shell of Berwick-upon-Tweed, 'one of her Majesties canenores of the great ordinance', also survives in the Durham probate collection.
Memorandum, that in the latter part [of] Novembre
Anno domini 1586 or there abouts William Claveringe
late of Duddoe of the parishe of Norham <gentleman> deceased
beinge of perfect mind and memorie thoughe verie
craysed and sore wounded in his Bodie did make
constitute and ordeyne his will & testament nuncupative
in manner and forme followinge First he did give
to his eldest Brother Mr Robert Claveringe one Angell
and to the wife of the said Mr Robert Claveringe
two Angelles Also he did give and bequieth to Dorothie
Claveringe Margarett Claveringe alias Armerer wife to
Mr Thomas Armerer and to Mabell Claveringe
his thre sisters to everie one of them iii li vi s 8 d
Also he did give to Robert Claveringe of Berwicke
two Angelles Also he did legate and bequieth to Mrs
Ann Claveringe his mother two Angelles Also he
did give to Thomas Fettas his man the price of
one nagg that the said Thomas Fettas his father
was owinge unto him the said William Claveringe
Also he did legate and give to the poore people of
the parishes of Whittingham and Norham xl s
And willed that Certaine of his shepe should be
given to the poore of Duddoe and Tilmouth
All the rest of his goodes Chattelles Debttes and
Credittes whatsoever he did give legate and
bequieth unto John Claveringe James Claveringe
Cuthbert Claveringe and Thomas Claveringe
his fower younger Brethren whom joyntley and
severalley he did make Constitute ordeyne and
appoint his Executors of this his will and
testament. Witnesst hereof Mr Thomas
Bradforth of Bradforth and Gilbert Dixson.
[End of page 1 of 1. Ref: DPRI/1/1]
angel | a gold coin worth at this date 10 shillings |
craysed | broken down in health; diseased; infirm |
Anno Domini 1588 Feveuary 2
In the name of God Amen I John Carre
of Hetton within the Cowntie of Northomberland
beinge both whole in mynde and bodie yet
for that the life of man is but fraile & as the flour
in the feiled flurishynge to daye & fetheringe [festering?]
to morrowe wharfore seinge
no [securitie] of my life one moment <at home cane have> farles one
monthe of many in so longe & peralus a voy
age and lastly for that I wold Rather I be
Judge my selfe of my owine thinges & that emoxte
my freandes then the Jugies & magestrates <of this lande> meare
stranger to my meaninge should geve order &
derectiones emoxte them do make this
my laste will and testamente in maner & forme
Firste I bequethe my soule to god trusting
by the blesed dethe & passione of our lord &
saviore Jesus Criste or [our] only mediatore advo
cate & Redemor to Resceive full Remission
of all my sines & to be Receved after this
life end [into] the blessed life everlastinge emoxt
the elect peaple of god and his holy angales
continewally to geve glorie honore prase &
thankes to god the father & maker of all thi
nges heavinly & earthly & that by the Justinfete [justified?] gr
ace of the holy goste for ever & ever Also
my bodie I Comite ether to the earthe birdes
foules fyshies seas or sandes wether soever
when or whar[e] so evere it shall please
god of his goodes & [m]arcie to appoynte
Also my worldly goodes I dispose in maner
& forme followinge
Firste to my sister Anne Carre I geve
because she is to me most deare … CC [200] markes
Item to my sister Elizabethe Carre C [100] markes
[End of page 1 of 3. Ref: DPRI/1/1589/C3/1]
… I have made my will before my[End of page 2 of 3. Ref: DPRI/1/1589/C3/4r]
And left it with my Cosen Thomas Carr; That will[End of page 3 of 3. Ref: DPRI/1/1589/C3/4v]
emoxte | amongst |
mark | 13 shillings and 4 pence |
In the Byard |
Item 2 kine with two calves both calved since candlemas, the one taken with the other valued at xx s the piece |
xl s |
Item 2 wheyes of 2 yeare old, at 8 s the piece |
xvi s |
Item a horse, which the said William had reco- vered out of the hands of Scotch men, a fewe dayes before he departed, which had bene out of his hands above 2 yeare, & within that time sworne to xl li, for the which he had a man lying prisener at Barwicke for band that there should be satisfaction made to him, the horse <both in theyr hands &> since his departure hath bene beene imployed in plough worke etc & is now valued at xl s. |
Item he hoped to have had some recompence for the forbearance of his horse according to the Lawes of the border, by promise of the Lord Warden of the marches, but the prisoner at the kings Majesties comming in escaped by the negligence of them who should have solicited the king in the matter. |
[End of page 1 of 1. Ref: DPRI/1/1603/C8/1]
byard [byre] | a cow-house |
candlemas | February 2nd; the feast of the purification of the Virgin Mary (or the presentation of Christ in the Temple) celebrated with a great display of candles |
wheye [quey or whye] |
a heifer of any age up to 3 years, or until she has a calf |
Of these afore mencioned apprised particulars were forceably taken away by the Lord of Newcastle's army & by the Scotch army these ensuing particulars videlicet |
li | s | d | |
Inprimis Two stots | 03 | 10 | 0 |
Item one 2 yeares old bay filly | 01 | 00 | 0 |
Item six score thraves of oates | 07 | 10 | 0 |
Item one fether bed, 1 bolster, 2 blankets, 1 old![]() ![]() |
04 | 10 | 0 |
Item one cannopy with two courtings suteable to![]() |
00 | 10 | 0 |
Item 4 great imbrodered chaires | 00 | 12 | 0 |
Item 4 litle imbrodered chaires | 00 | 08 | 0 |
Item one red cupbord cloath | 00 | 04 | 0 |
Item 2 old fether beds, 2 bolsters, 4 pillows,![]() ![]() ![]() |
03 | 10 | 0 |
Item 3 great old chaires, 2 lesser & 6 old stooles | 00 | 05 | 0 |
Item one green cloath carpet, 1 green cloath![]() ![]() |
00 | 06 | 0 |
Item 18 pair on lin sheets, 10 pair of lin pillowbers,![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
09 | 05 | 0 |
[End of page 1 of 1. Ref: DPRI/1/1647/B7/1]
diper [diaper] | a fabric woven with a small and simple pattern, formed by the different directions of the thread, with the different reflexions of light from its surface, and consisting of lines crossing diamond-wise, with the spaces variously filled up by parallel lines, a central leaf or dot, etc. |
sarcenet | a very fine and soft silk material made both plain and twilled |
stot | a young castrated ox |
taffaty [taffeta] | a plain-wove glossy silk |
thrave | two stooks of corn (or pulse) containing twenty-four sheaves |
In prizing of his apparrell the apprizers did see some things in the possession of Rosamond late wife to Roger disceased, which she would not deliver to the Ad- ministrator of the said Roger, The percells with their prices be exprest and prized in the begining of the Inventorie, yet not withstanding they are here set downe to distinguish them from the other which the Adminitra- tor hath possession of, the things thus detained by the said Rosamond are these |
Tenn Bludstones One Signet of Gold One Toothpick of Gold valued by them selves at |
xxvi s | viii d |
[End of page 1 of 1. Ref: DPRI/1/1648/W8/1-5]
bludstone | A name applied to certain precious stones spotted or streaked with red, supposed in former times to have the power of staunching bleeding, when worn as amulets. |
… the Morning of the Same Day I found the said John Prest in Bed sick &
asked him what he sent for this Deponent for, who answerd to make his Will
that thereupon Alice his then wife & now widow the Party Defendant in
this Cause fell into a Great Passion & said there was no occasion for any
But what he Had made wishing him Damnation & Invoking Saints &
Angells not to forgive him if he made any alteration therein. That this
Deponent Indeavord to appease her & Gave her to understand that it was
Best for all parties to withdraw & as to what he had to Dispose of He might
make a will therof. If it was in her favor it should be Honestly Done
according to the Testators Intentions & Direceons, But that the Deceased Could not
be a free agent in that Respect while she or they were there present.
All the Company upon this Deponents Giving these Reasons then withdrew
Except the said Alice who would not leave the Room where the Deceased
then lay sick in his Bed and the Daughter of the said John Prest one Mary
Friend was Called in to waite upon him the said Testator that there
upon this Deponent at last not prevailing with the said Alice to go out of the
Room the said John Prest Gave this Deponent Direcions for his Will & this Deponent
Got Pen Ink & paper & Began to Commit the same to writing but this
Deponent had seaven wrote a line or two when she the said Alice came &
with Violence snatched the paper out of this Deponents Hands & Carryed
it away. This Deponent Having more paper took another piece Drew & Ingrossed
his will according to his Direcions while when he had Done & while he was
Going to put a seal to the same the said Alice again snatched away the
last menciond Intended will with Violence from this Deponent & Carryed it out
of the House. This Deponent then went out & Desird Thomas Prest who was
then in Another Room to send Down to Tudhoe & Gett him More paper …
[End of page 1 of 1. Ref: DPRI/1/1750/P9/5-6]
ingross [engross] | to write in large letters; to write out formally, in legal form |
seaven | just, just then |