… Allso I Give and bequeath
to my Loveing wife mary Lynn her Executors Admi
nistrators and Assignes all that my three parts of the
house in Ferryhill Aforesaid where Thomas Wood now
lives Commonly known by the Name of the blue bell Inn
with the Appurtenences thereunto belonging and all my
Estat<e> right Title and Int<e>rest therein and thereunto
And Allso <all> the Furniture now Standing and being in
the Aforesaid house Called or known by the Name
of the black horse Inn in ferryhill aforesaid and
Allso all my Utensills of Brewing Vessell …
[End of page 1 of 1. Ref: DPRI/1/1752/L5/1-2]
In the name of God amen I Margaret Ward of the Town and County of
Newcastle upon Tyne Widow and Relict of William Ward late of the same Towen and
County Merchant deceased do make and declare this my last will and Testament
in manner and form following Whereas by a Settlement made before my
Intermarriage with the said William Ward by Indentures of Lease and Release
bearing date respectively the Thirteenth and Fourteenth days of May in the year
of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and twenty four the Release being
Tripartite and made or mentioned to be made Between me the said Margaret
Ward by the name of Margaret Emmerson of the Town and County of Newcastle upon
Tyne Spinster of the first part the said Wiliam Ward of the second part and Charles
Atkinson Gentleman of the third part in Consideration of a Marriage shortly after to be
had and solempnized between the said William Ward and me and for other the Considerations
therein mentioned I did grant Release and Confirm into the said Charles Atkinson his
heirs and assignes All that Messuage Burgage or Tenement with the appurtenances
Scituate Standing and being within the said Town of Newcastle upon Tyne at or near
the foot or Lower End of a certain Street or place there called or known by the name of
the Side on the West Side of the said Street Boundered as therein is particularly …
[End of page 1 of 1. Ref: DPRI/1/1743/W7/1-2]
Indenture | a deed between two or more parties executed in two or more copies, which copies formerly having their tops or edges correspondingly indented or serrated for identification and security |
Lease and Release | a conveyance of the fee-simple, right, or interest in lands or tenements giving first the possession, and afterwards the interest in the estate conveyed |
January ultimo: 1670. Whereat by the Razure above, it appeares that I have
bequeathed to my Nephew William Ward foure poundes per Annum
dureing his Life Naturall & since he hath most unnaturally broken my House
& Chest, & stolne my writinges I doe by these presentes utterly Abdicate & for
ever disowne Him, & His; & of that which I entended Him I give & Bequeath to my
beloved Neece Margarett Stockdell forty shillings per Annum dureing her
life Naturall. In testimony whereof I have Added this by way of Codicill
unto this my last will & Testament. By me Marmaduke Ward [sealed].
In the presence of us, Edward Dunwell, Samuell Ovington, Natthanell Robin<son>
[End of page 1 of 1. Ref: DPRI/1/1681/W3/1]
Razure | erasure |
An Inventorie of all the goods, apparell and other stuffe which property belonged to Misstris Margerie Richardson at her death, vewed and apprised by Pexall Foster gentleman, Nicholas Whitfeild mercer, Nicholas Writer & Heugh Hutchinson younger, The xxth day of January : 1624. |
Her apparell |
Inprimis, a black satten gowne, kirtle and bodies. Item; a silke grogrome petticoate black & yellow lyned with yellow. Item; a Crimeson stitcht taffitie petticoate; Item, a tawnie & russett silk grogowme gowne. Item; a willow collomed sempiternum petticoate, Item, an old tawnie clothl gowne; Item; a stript Novato petticoate; Item; an old worne grogorome gowne, Item, Two old black gownes; Item; an old tawnie sempiternum gowne, Item an old stammel petticoate; Item; an old white petticoate, Item; a white muffe, Item; a paire of French bodies, Item, a worne redd Mantle; Item; an old riding suite, Item; Two old hatts, All apprised togeither to Twentie pounds | xx li |
Summa xx li |
[End of page 1 of 1. Ref: DPRI/1/1624/R4/4]
kirtle | a skirt or outer petticoat |
bodies | bodice |
grogrome, grogowme, grogorome [grogram] | a coarse fabric of silk, of mohair and wool, or of these mixed with silk; often stiffened with gum |
taffitie [taffeta, taffety] | a plain-wove glossy silk; sometimes a fine linen |
russett | a reddish-brown colour; formerly also a coarse homespun woollen cloth of a reddish-brown, grey or neutral colour, formerly used for the dress of peasants and country-folk |
willow collomed | willow columned: perhaps a garment stiffened with willow rods |
sempiternum | a quality of woollen cloth made in the 17th century; literally, everlasting |
Novato | a type of fabric (probably fustian) |
stammel | a coarse woollen cloth, or linsey-woolsey, usually dyed red |
Mantle | a loose sleeveless cloak |