Probate prior to 1858 was subject to statute law and canon law, as well as certain regional or national customs. The first table lists Public Acts and Ordinances that relate to probate and administration. The list has been built from a list of Public Acts cited in the 1763, 1797 and 1842 editions of Richard Burn's influential work Ecclesiastical Law (online resource). For each Public Act the citation, title and year is provided and also a link to either the text or an image of the text of that Act, if available. Crown Copyright material is reproduced with the permission of the Controller of HMSO and the Queen's Printer for Scotland, and in accordance with Guidance Note 6 (1999; rev. 2005) published by the Office of Public Sector Information. The list is not thought to be complete, and we would be grateful for any references to other legislation concerning probate in England and Wales prior to 1858. This is followed by a table of Provincial and Legatine Constitutions (ecclesiastical canon laws) relating to probate. In addition, there is a short list of sources summarising those Customs - particularly concerning the distribution of a deceased person's goods - that prevailed in the ecclesiastical province of York, as well as in Wales, the City of London and in Scotland during this period. The relevant customs of the ecclesiastical province of York, of Wales and of the City of London were extinguished in 1692, 1695 and 1724 respectively. The custom of the City of York persisted after the abolishment of the custom within the wider ecclesiastical province until 1703. The full texts of the Public Acts are drawn from Statutes of the Realm (1628-1701 at British History Online). Where (sections of) statutes are known to be still in force, an additional link to the UK Ministry of Justice's Statute Law Database is provided. is the successor to the Statute Law Database, managed by The National Archives on behalf HM Government: legislation is regularly being uploaded to and users should check this resource in addition to the links provided below. In addition to the Google Books NEI online library of useful texts about probate, a UK Statutes, from 1215 online library has been created, containing those volumes of UK Statutes of the Realm and Statutes at Large for which the full text is available. This library and the links below will be updated from time to time as additional acts are uploaded.
Where access to the full text is available only on subscription, this is noted thus: [subscription only].
1215 | 17 John, Magna Carta, c. 26 [and Statute Law Database] |
[The King's Debtor dying, the King shall be first paid.] | |
1217 | 1 Henry III, Magna Carta, c. 43 | [No Land shall be given in Mortmain.] | |
1225 | 9 Henry III, Magna Carta, c. 18 | The King's Debtor dying, the King shall be first paid. | |
1235 | Public Act, 20 Henry III, c. 2 | Widows may bequeath the Crop of their lands. | |
1279 | Public Act, 7 Edward I, st. 2 | The Statute for Religious Men ['Statute of Mortmain']. | |
1285 | Public Act, 13 Edward I, st. 1, c. 19 | The Ordinary chargeable to pay Debts as Executors. | |
1285 | Public Act, 13 Edward I, st. 1, c. 23 | Executors may have a Writ of Accompt. | |
1330 | Public Act, 4 Edward III, c. 7 | Executors shall have an Action of Trespass for a Wrong done to their Testator. | |
1335 | Public Act, 9 Edward III, st. 1, c. 3 | In a Writ of Debt against divers Executors, they shall not fourch by Essoin. | |
1344 | Public Act, 18 Edward III, st. 3, c. 6 | Temporal Justices shall not inquire of Process awarded by Spiritual Judges. | |
1350 | Public Act, 25 Edward III, st. 5, c. 5 | Executors of Executors shall have the Benefit and Charge of the first Testator. | |
1357 | Public Act, 31 Edward III, st. 1, c. 4 | Redressing of Extortion in Bishops Officers in proving of Wills. | |
1357 | Public Act, 31 Edward III, st. 1, c. 11 | To whom the Ordinary may commit the Administration of the Goods of him that dieth intestate. The Benefit and Charge of an Administrator. | |
1391 | 15 Richard II, c. 5 | [Mortmain.] | |
1415 | Public Act, 3 Henry V, c. 8 | Ordinaries shall take nor more for proving of Testaments, with their Inventories, than was taken in the time of King Edward III. | |
1529 | Public Act, 21 Henry VIII, c. 4 | The Sale of Lands by Part of the Executors lawful. | |
1529 | Public Act, 21 Henry VIII, c. 5 | What Fees ought to be taken for Probate of Testaments. | |
1529 | Public Act, 21 Henry VIII, c. 6 | An Act concerning the taking of Mortuaries | |
1531 | Public Act, 23 Henry VIII c. 9 | An Act that no Person shall be cited out of the Diocese where he or she dwelleth, except in certain Cases. | |
1532 | Public Act, 24 Henry VIII, c. 12 | An Act that the Appeals in such Cases as have been used to be pursued to the See of Rome, shall not be from henceforth had nor used but within this Realm. (Also known as: Statute in Restraint of Appeals; Ecclesiastical Appeals Act). | |
1533 | Public Act, 25 Henry VIII, c. 19 [and Statute Law Database] | An Act for the Submission of the Clergy to the King's Majesty. | |
1533 | Public Act, 25 Henry VIII, c. 21 [and Statute Law Database] | An Act for the exonaration from exactions paid to the See of Rome ['Ecclesiastical Licenses Act']. | |
1534 | Public Act, 26 Henry VIII, c. 1 | An Act concerning the King's Highness to be Supreme Head of the Church of England, and to have Authority to reform and redress all Errors, Heresies and Abuses in the same ['Act of Supremacy']. | |
1534 | Public Act, 26 Henry VIII, c. 15 | An Act for taking away certain Exactions taken within the Archdeaconry of Richmond by Spiritual Men. | |
1535 | Public Act, 27 Henry VIII, c.10 | An Act concerning Uses and Wills | |
1535 | Public Act, 27 Henry VIII, c. 26 | An Act for Laws and Justice to be ministered in Wales in like Form as it is in this Realm ['Union of Wales']. | |
1536 | Public Act, 28 Henry VIII, c. 11 [and Statute Law Database] |
An Act for Restitution of the First Fruits in Time of Vacation to the next Incumbent. | |
1539 | Public Act, 31 Henry VIII, c. 3 | An Act changing the Custom of Gavelkind. | |
1540 | Public Act, 32 Henry VIII, c. 1 | An Act how Lands may be willed by Testament. | |
1540 | Public Act, 32 Henry VIII, c. 37 | For Recovery of Arrearages of Rents by Executors of Tenant in Fee-simple. | |
1540 | Public Act, 32 Henry VIII, c. 46 | An Act for the Establishment of the Court of the King's Wards. | |
1542 | Public Act, 34 & 35 Henry VIII, c. 5 | An Act for the Explanation of the Statute of Wills. | |
1542 | Public Act, 34 & 35 Henry VIII, c. 26 | An Act for certain Ordinances in the King's Majesty's Dominion and Principality of Wales. | |
1547 | Public Act, 1 Edward VI, c. 2 | An Act for the Election of Bishops, and what Seals and Styles they and other Spiritual Persons exercising Jurisdiction Ecclesiastical shall use. | |
1553 | Public Act, 1 Mary I, st. 2, c. 2 | An Act for the Repeal of certain Statutes made in the Time of the Reign of King Edward the Sixth. | |
1557 | Public Act, 4 & 5 Philip & Mary, c. 8 | An Act for the Punishment of such as shall take away Maidens that be Inheritors, being within the Age of Sixteen Years, or that marry them, without Consent of their Parents. | |
1559 | Public Act, 1 Elizabeth I, c. 2 | An Act for the Uniformity of Common Prayer and Divine Service in the Church, and the Administration of the Sacraments [Act of Uniformity, Common Prayer]. | |
1571 | Public Act, 13 Elizabeth I, c. 5 | An Act against fraudulent Deeds, Gifts, Alienations, &c. | |
1601 | Public Act, 43 Elizabeth I, c. 8 | An Act against fraudulent Administration of Intestate's Goods. | |
1609 | Public Act, 7 James I, c. 12 | An Act to avoid the double Payment of Debts. | |
1623 | Public Act, 21 James I, c. 24 | An Act for the Relief of Creditors against such Persons as die in Execution. | |
1634 | 10 Charles I, sess. 2, c. 2, (Ireland) | An Act how Lands, Tenements, etc. my be disposed by Will or otherwise, and concerning Wards and Primer Seisins. | |
1640 | Public Act, 16 Charles I, c. 10 | An Act for the regulating of the Privy Council, and for taking away the Court commonly called the Star Chamber. | |
1640 | Public Act, 16 Charles I, c. 27 | An Act for disenabling all Persons in Holy Orders to exercise any Temporal Jurisdiction or Authority. | |
Nov 1644 | Ordinance | An Ordinance for the constituting of Sir Nathanael Brent Judge of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury. | |
Feb 1646 | Ordinance | Ordinance for removing the Court of Wards. | |
Oct 1646 | Ordinance | Ordinance for the abolishing of Archbishops and Bishops in England and Wales and for settling their lands and possessions upon Trustees for for the use of the Commonwealth. | |
April 1653 | Act | An Act for Probate of Wills, and granting Administrations. | |
Nov 1653 | Act | An Act for the Deafforestation, Sale and Improvement of the Forests and of The Honors, Manors, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments within the usual Limits and Perambulations of the same. Heretofore belonging to the late King, Queen and Prince. | |
Dec 1653 | Ordinance | An Ordinance for the reviving of An Act of Parliament, Entitled An Act for Probate of Wills, and Granting Administrations. | |
Apr 1654 | Ordinance | An Ordinance for continuing one Act of Parliament, Entitled. An Act for Probate of Wills, and granting Administrations. | |
Nov 1656 | Act | An Act for the taking away the Court of Wards and Liveries. | |
June 1657 | Ordinance | An Act touching several Acts and Ordinances made since the twentieth of April, 1653. and before the third of September, 1654, and other Acts. | |
May 1659 | Act | An Act impowering Judges for Probate of Wills and granting Administrations. | |
July 1659 | Act | An Act of Indemnity and Free Pardon. | |
July 1659 | Act | An Act for Reviving an Act impowering Judges for Probate of Wills, and Granting Administrations. | |
1660 | Public Act, 12 Charles II, c. 12 | An Act for Confirmation of Judicial Proceedings. Annex 28: Proviso to empower the Judge for the Prerogative Court of Canterbury to proceed in and determine all matters and causes left undetermined in the late Court of Probate of wills and granting of administrations. | |
1660 | Public Act, 12 Charles II, c. 17 | An Act for the confirming and restoring of Ministers. | |
1660 | Public Act, 12 Charles II, c. 24 [and Statute Law Database] |
An Act for taking away the Court of Wards and Liveries, and Tenures in Capite, and by Knights-Service and Purveyance, an for settling a Revenue upon His Majesty in lieu thereof. | |
1661 | Public Act, 13 Charles II. c. 2 | An Act for Repeal of an Act of Parliament, intituled, An Act for disenabling all Persons in Holy Orders, to exercise any Temporal Jurisdiction or Authority. | |
1661 | Public Act, 13 Charles II, c. 7 | An Act for confirming Public Acts. [12 Charles II, c. 24] | |
1661 | Public Act, 13 Charles II, c. 12 | An Act for Explanation of a Clause contained in an Act of Parliament, made in the seventeenth Year of the late King Charles, intituled, An Act for Repeal of a Branch of a Statute Primo Elizabethe, concerning Commissioners for Causes Ecclesiastical. | |
1662 | 14 & 15 Charles II, (Ireland) | An Act for taking away the Court of Wards and Liveries, and Tenures in Capite, and by Knights-Service. | |
1665 | Public Act, 17 Charles II, c. 8 | An Act for avoiding unnecessary Suits and Delays. | |
1670 | Public Act, 22 & 23 Charles II, c. 10 | An Act for the better settling of Interstates Estates. | |
1672 | Public Act, 25 Charles II, c. 2 | An Act for preventing Dangers which may happen from Popish Recusants ['Test Act']. | |
1677 | Public Act, 29 Charles II, c. 3 [and Statute Law Database] |
An Act for prevention of Frauds and Perjuryes. | |
1678 | Public Act, 30 Charles II, c. 3 | An Act for burying in Woollen. | |
1678 | Public Act, 30 Charles II, c. 6 | An Act for reviving a former Act, intituled, An Act for avoiding unnecessary Suits and Delays, and for Continuance of one other Act, intituled, An Act for the better settling of Intestates Estates. | |
1678 | Public Act, 30 Charles II, c. 7 | An Act to enable Creditors to recover their Debts of the Executors and Administrators of Executors in their own Wrong. | |
1685 | Public Act, 1 James II, c. 17 | An Act for reviving and Continuance of several Acts of Parliament therein mentioned. | |
1691 | Public Act, 3 William & Mary c. 14 | An Act for Relief of Creditors against fraudulent Devises. | |
1692 | Public Act, 4 William & Mary, c. 2 | An Act that the Inhabitants of the Province of York may dispose of their personal Estates by their Wills, notwithstanding the Custom of that Province. | |
1692 | Public Act, 4 William & Mary, c. 20 | An Act for the better Discovery of Judgments in the Courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas and Exchequer, at Westminster. | |
1692 | Public Act, 4 William & Mary, c. 24 | An Act for reviving, continuing and explaining several Laws therein mentioned, that are expired and near expiring. | |
1694 | Public Act, 5 & 6 William & Mary, c. 21 | An Act for granting to Their Majesties several Duties upon Vellum, Parchment and Paper, for four Years, towards carrying on the War against France. | |
1695 | 7 William III, c. 12, (Ireland) | An Act for Prevention of Frauds and Perjuries. | |
1695 | Public Act, 7 & 8 William III, c. 38 | An Act to take away the Custom of Wales, which hinders Persons from disposing their Personal Estates by their Wills. | |
1697 | Public Act, 9 William III, c. 35 | An Act for the more effectual suppressing of Blasphemy and Profaness. | |
1697 | Public Act, 9 William III, c. 41 | An Act for the better preventing the Imbezlement of His Majesty's Stores of War, and preventing Cheats, Frauds and Abuses, in paying Seamen's Wages. | |
1698 | Public Act, 10 William III, c. 22 | An Act to enable posthumous Children to take Estates as if born in their Father's Lifetime. | |
1703 | Public Act, 2 & 3 Anne, c. 4 | An Act for the public registering of all Deeds, Conveyances and Wills, that shall be made of any Honors, Manors, Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, within the West Riding of the County of York, after the nine and twentieth Day of September One thousand seven hundred and four. | |
1703 | Public Act, 2 & 3 Anne, c. 5 | An Act to repeal a Proviso in an Act of the fourth Year of the Reign of King William and Queen Mary, which prevents the Citizens of the City of York from disposing of their Personal Estates by their Wills, as others inhabiting within the Province of York by that Act may do. | |
1705 | 4 & 5 Anne, c. 3 | An Act for the Amendment of the Law, and the better Advancement of Justice. | |
1707 | 6 Anne, c. 10, (Ireland) | An Act for the Amendment of the Law, and the better Advancement of Justice. | |
1707 | Public Act, 6 Anne, c. 62 | An Act for the public registering of all Deeds, Conveyances, Wills and other Incumbrances that shall be made of, or that may affect any Honors, Manors, Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, within the East Riding of the County of York, or the Town and County of the Town of Kingdom upon Hull, after the nine and twentieth Day of September One thousand seven hundred and eight, and for the rendring the Register in the West Riding more complete. | |
1708 | Public Act, 7 Anne, c. 19 | An Act to enable Infants who are seised or possessed of Estates in Fee, in Trust, or by way of Mortgage, to make Conveyances of such Estates. | |
1708 | Public Act, 7 Anne, c. 20 | An Act for the public registering of Deeds, Conveyances and Wills, and other Incumbrances which shall be made of, or that may affect any Honours, Manors, Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, within the County of Middlesex, after the twenty ninth Day of September One thousand seven hundred and nine. | |
1716 | Public Act, 3 George I, c. 18 | An Act for explaining an Act passed the last Session of Parliament, intitled, An Act to oblige Papists to register their Names and Real Estates; and for enlarging the Time of such registering; and for securing Purchases made by Protestants. | |
1723 | Public Act, 10 George I, c. 4 | An Act for explaining and amending an Act of the last Session of Parliament, intituled, An Act to oblige all Persons being Papists, in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland, and all Persons in Great Britain refusing or neglecting to take the Oaths appointed for the Security of His Majesty's Person and Government, by several Acts herein mentioned, to register their Names and Real Estates; and for enlarging the time for taking the said Oaths, and making such Registers, and for allowing further time for the Inrolment of Deeds or Wills made by Papists, which have been omitted to be enrolled, pursuant to an Act of the third Year of His Majesty's Reign, and also for giving Relief to Protestant Lessees. | |
1724 | Public Act, 11 George I, c. 18, ss. 17-18 | An Act for regulating Elections within the City of London, and for preserving the Peace, good Order and Government of the said City. | |
1729 | Public Act, 3 George II, c. 29 | An Act for continuing and amending an Act for regulating the Price and Assize of Bread; for Relief of Bankrupts whose Certificates were not allowed before the Expiration of a late Act for the better preventing Frauds committed by Bankrupts; for allowing further time for Inrolment of Deeds or Wills made by Papists, and for Relief of Protestant Purchasers and Lessees; and for making further Provision concerning Certificates relating to the Settlements of poor Persons, and the Charges of maintaining and removing certificated Persons. | |
1732 | Public Act, 6 George II, c. 5 | An Act for allowing further time for the Inrolment of Deeds and Wills made by Papists, and for Relief of Protestant Purchasers and Lessees. | |
1734 | Public Act, 8 George II, c. 6 | An Act for the public registering of all Deeds, Conveyances, Wills and other Incumbrances that shall be made of, or that may affect any Honors, Manors, Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, within the North Riding of the County of York, after the nine and twentieth Day of September One thousand seven hundred and thirty six. | |
1735 | Public Act, 9 George II, c. 26 | An Act for indemnifying Persons who have omitted to qualify themselves for Offices within the time limited by Law, and for allowing further time for that Purpose; and for amending so much of an Act passed in the second Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, as requires Persons to qualify themselves for Offices before the End of the next Term or Quarter-Sessions; and also for enlarging the time limited by Law for making and subscribing the Declaration against Transubstantiation; and for allowing further time for Inrolment of Deeds and Wills made by Papists; and for the Relief of Protestant Purchasers, Devisees and Lessees. | |
1735 | Public Act, 9 George II, c. 36 | An Act to restrain the Disposition of Lands, whereby the same become unalienable. | |
1737 | Public Act, 11 George II, c. 11 | An Act for allowing further time for Inrolment of Deeds and Wills made by Papists, and for Relief of Protestant Purchasers, Devisees and Lessees. | |
1738 | Public Act, 12 George II, c. 14 | An Act for allowing further time for Inrolment of Deeds and Wills made by Papists, and for Relief of Protestant Purchasers, Devisees and Lessees. | |
1740 | 14 George II, c. 20 | An Act to amend the Law concerning Common Recoveries, and to explain and amend an Act made in the twenty-ninth year of the reign of King Charles the Second, intitled 'An Act for the Prevention of Frauds and Perjuries'. | |
1742 | Public Act, 16 George II, c. 32 | An Act for allowing further time for Inrolment of Deeds and Wills made by Papists, and for Relief of Protestant Purchasers, Devisees and Lessees. | |
1745 | Public Act, 19 George II, c. 16 | An Act for allowing further time for Inrolment of Deeds and Wills made by Papists; and for Relief of Protestant Purchasers, Devisees and Lessees. | |
1751 | Public Act, 25 George II, c. 4 | An Act for appointing the Deputy or Secondary of the Chief Clerk to inrol Pleas in the King's Bench, called, The Master of the King's Bench Office, one of the Registers or Masters for the Inrolment of Deeds, Wills and other Conveyances in the County of Middlesex, in the Place and Stead of such Chief Clerk. | |
1751 | Public Act, 25 George II, c. 6 | An Act for avoiding and putting an End to certain Doubts and Questions, relating to the Attestation of Wills and Codicils, concerning real Estates, in that Part of Great Britain called England, and in His Majesty's Colonies and Plantations in America. | |
1751 | 25 George II, c. 11, (Ireland) | An Act for avoiding and putting an End to certain Doubts and Questions, relating to the Attestations of Wills and Codicils, concerning real Estates. | |
1753 | Public Act, 26 George II, c. 24 | An Act for allowing further Time for Inrolment of Deeds and Wills made by Papists; and for Relief of Protestant Purchasers, Devisees and Lessees. | |
1755 | Public Act, 28 George II, c. 10 | An Act for allowing further time for Inrolment of Deeds and Wills made by Papists; and for Relief of Protestant Purchasers. | |
1757 | Public Act, 31 George II, c. 21 | An Act for allowing further time for Inrolment of Deeds and Wills made by Papists; and for Relief of Protestant Purchasers. | |
1759 | Public Act, 33 George II, c. 13 | An Act for allowing further Time for Inrolment of Deeds and Wills made by Papists, and for Relief of Protestant Purchasers. | |
1762 | Public Act, 2 George III, c. 26 | An Act for allowing further Time for Inrolments of Deeds and Wills made by Papists, and for Relief of Protestant Purchasers. | |
1763 | Public Act, 4 George III, c. 38 | An Act for allowing further Time for Inrolments of Deeds and Wills made by Papists, and for Relief of Protestant Purchasers. | |
1765 | Public Act, 5 George III, c. 12 | An Act for granting and applying certain Stamp Duties, and other Duties, in the British Colonies and Plantations in America, towards further defraying the Expences of defending, protecting and securing the same; and for amending such Parts of the several Acts of Parliament relating to the Trade and Revenues of the said Colonies and Plantations, as direct the Manner of determining and recovering the Penalties and Forfeitures therein mentioned [the 1765 Stamp Act]. | |
1766 | Public Act, 7 George III, c. 34 | An Act for allowing further Time for Inrolment of Deeds and Wills made by Papists, and for Relief of Protestant Purchasers. | |
1772 | Public Act, 12 George III, c. 10 | An Act for allowing further Time for Inrolment of Deeds and Wills made by Papists; and for Relief of Protestant Purchasers. | |
1774 | Public Act, 14 George III, c. 37 | An Act for allowing further time for Inrolment of Deeds and Wills made by Papists, and for Relief of Protestant Purchasers. | |
1776 | Public Act, 17 George III, c. 45 | An Act for allowing further time for Inrolment of Deeds and Wills made by Papists, and for Relief of Protestant Purchasers. | |
1778 | Public Act, 18 George III, c. 46 | An Act for allowing further time for Inrolment of Deeds and Wills made by Papists, and for Relief of Protestant Purchasers. | |
1778 | Public Act, 18 George III, c. 60 | An Act for relieving His Majesty's Subjects professing the Popish Religion from certain Penalties and Disabilities imposed on them by an Act, made in the Eleventh and Twelfth Years of the Reign of King William the Third, intituled, An Act for the further preventing the Growth of Popery. | |
1782 | Public Act, 22 George III, c. 23 | An Act for allowing further Time for Inrolment of Deeds and Wills made by Papists, and for Relief of Protestant Purchasers. | |
1783 | Public Act, 23 George III, c. 22 | An Act for allowing further Time for Inrolment of Deeds and Wills made by Papists, and for Relief of Protestant Purchasers. | |
1783 | Public Act, 24 George III Session 1, c. 16 | An Act for following further time for Inrolment of Deeds and Wills made by Papists, and for Relief of Protestant Purchasers. | |
1787 | Public Act, 27 George III, c. 42 | An Act for allowing further time for Inrolment of Deeds and Wills made by Papists, and for the Relief of Purchasers. | |
1788 | Public Act, 28 George III, c. 47 | An Act for allowing further time for Inrolment of Deeds and Wills made by Papists, and for Relief of Protestant Purchasers. | |
1789 | Public Act, 29 George III, c. 36 | An Act for allowing further time for Inrolment of Deeds and Wills made by Papists, and for Relief of Protestant Purchasers. | |
1789 | Public Act, 29 George III, c. 51 | An Act for granting to His Majesty several additional Stamp Duties on Probates of Wills, Letters of Administration, and on Receipts for Legacies, or for any Share of a Personal Estate divided by force of the Statute of Distributions. | |
1790 | Public Act, 30 George III, c. 19 | An Act for allowing further time for Inrolment of Deeds and Wills made by Papists, and for Relief of Protestant Purchasers. | |
1791 | Public Act, 31 George III, c. 32 | An Act to relieve, upon Conditions, and under Restrictions the Persons therein described, from certain Penalties and Disabilities to which Papists or Persons professing the Popish Religion, are by Law subject. | |
1795 | Public Act, 35 George III, c. 99 | An Act for allowing further time for Inrolment of Deeds and Wills made by Papists, and for Relief of Protestant Purchasers. | |
1797 | Public Act, 38 George III, c. 87 | An Act for the Administration of Assets in cases where the Executor to whom Probate has been granted is out of the Realm. | |
1800 | Public General Act, 39 & 40 George III, c. 98 | An Act to restrain all Trusts and Directions in Deeds or Wills, whereby the Profits or Produce of Real or Personal Estate shall be accumulated, and the beneficial Enjoyment thereof postponed beyond the time therein limited. | |
1801 | Public General Act, 41 George III, c. 86 | An Act for granting to His Majesty additional Stamp Duties on Cards and Dice; on Probates of Wills; on certain Indentures, Leafes, Bonds, or other Deeds; and on Ale Licences. | |
1803 | Public General Act, 43 George III, c. 30 | An Act to entitle Roman Catholics taking and subscribing the Declaration and Oath contained in the Act of the Thirty first Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, intituled An Act to relieve, upon Conditions and under Restrictions, the Persons therein described from certain Penalties and Disabilities to which Papists, or Persons professing the Popish Religion, are by Law subject, to the Benefits given by an Act of the Eighteenth Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, intituled An Act for relieving His Majesty's Subjects professing the Popish Religion, from certain Penalties and Disabilities imposed on them by an Act, made in the Eleventh and Twelfth Years of the Reign of King William the Third, intituled 'An Act for the further preventing the Growth of Popery.' | |
1803 | Public General Act, 43 George III, c. 107 | An Act for effectuating certain Parts of an Act, passed in the Second and Third Years of the Reign of Her late Majesty Queen Anne, intituled An Act for the making more effectual Her Majesty's gracious Intentions for the Augmentation of the Maintenance of the Poor Clergy, by enabling Her Majesty to grant, in Perpetuity, the Revenues of the First Fruits and Tenths; and also for enabling any other Persons to make Grants for the same Purpose, so far as the same relate to Deeds and Wills made for granting and bequeathing Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments, Goods and Chattels, to the Governors of the Bounty of Queen Anne, for the Purposes in the said Act mentioned; and for enlarging the Powers of the said Governors. | |
1808 | Public General Act, 48 George III, c. 149 [and Statute Law Database] |
An Act for repealing the Stamp Duties on Deeds, Law Proceedings, and other written or printed instruments, and the Duties on Legacies and Successions to Personal Estate upon Intestacies, now payable in Great Britain; and for granting new Duties in lieu thereof. | |
1814 | Public General Act, 54 George III, c. 92 | An Act to secure the Payment of Stamp Duties on Probates and Letters of Administration, and on Receipts for Property obtained by Legacy, or Intestacy, in Ireland. | |
1814 | Public General Act, 54 George III, c. 168 | An Act to amend the Laws respecting the Attestation of Instruments of Appointment and Revocation, made in exercise of certain Powers in Deeds, Wills and other Instruments. | |
1815 | Public General Act, 55 George III, c. 60 | An Act to repeal several Acts relating to the Execution of Letters of Attorney and Wills of Petty Officers, Seamen and Marines, in His Majesty's Navy, and to make new Provisions respecting the same. | |
1815 | Public General Act, 55 George III, c. 84 | An Act to amend so much of an Act of the Thirty third Year of His present Majesty, as relates to the fixing the Limits of the Towns of Calcutta, Madras and Bombay; and also so much of an Act of the Thirty ninth and Fortieth Year of His present Majesty, as relates to granting Letters of Administration to the Effects of Persons dying intestate within the several Presidencies in the East Indies, to the Registrar of the Ecclesiastical Courts; and to enable the Governor in Council of the said Presidencies to remove Persons, not being British Subjects; and to make Provision for the Judges in the East Indies in certain Cases. | |
1815 | Public General Act, 55 George III, c. 184 [and Statute Law Database] |
An Act for repealing the Stamp Duties on Deeds, Law Proceedings, and other written or printed Instruments, and the Duties on Fire Insurances, and on Legacies and Successions to Personal Estate upon Intestacies, now payable in Great Britain; and for granting other Duties in lieu thereof. | |
1815 | Public General Act, 55 George III, c. 192 | An Act to remove certain Difficulties in the Disposition of Copyhold Estates by Will. | |
1816 | Public General Act, 56 George III, c. 107 | An Act to amend an Act of the last Session of Parliament relating to Stamp Duties in Great Britain, so far as relates to Inventories to be exhibited and recorded in any Commissary Court in Scotland. | |
1817 | Public General Act, 57 George III, c. 118 | An Act for authorizing the Executors or Administrators of deceased licensed Navy Agents to receive Prize Money, Bounty Money and other Allowances of Money upon Orders given to such deceased Agents. | |
1820 | Public General Act, 1 George IV, c. 91 | An Act to authorise the Paymasters of Royal Marines to issue Pay, not exceeding a certain Sum, to the Representatives of deceased Officers and Private Men, without Probate or Administration. | |
1821 | Public General Act, 1 & 2 George IV, c. 49 | An Act for making further Regulations in respect to the Payment by Remittance Bill of the Wages of Petty Officers, Seamen and Marines, in the Royal Navy; and for extending the Provisions of an Act made in the Fifty fifth Year of His late Majesty, relating to the Execution of Letters of Attorney and Wills of Petty Officers, Seamen and Marines, in His Majesty's Navy. | |
1827 | Public General Act, 7 & 8 George IV, c. 29 | An Act for consolidating and amending the Laws in England relative to Larceny and other Offences connected therewith. (Also known as Peel's Act.) | |
1828 | Public General Act, 9 George IV, c. 33 | An Act to declare and settle the Law respecting the Liability of the Real Estates of British Subjects and others, situate within the Jurisdiction of His Majesty's Supreme Courts in India, as Assets in the Hands of Executors and Administrators, to the Payment of the Debts of their deceased Owners. | |
1828 | Public General Act, 9 George IV, c. 57 | An Act to provide for the Regulation of the Public Office for registering Memorials of Deeds, Conveyances, and Wills, in Ireland. | |
1829 | Public General Act, 10 George IV, c. 7 [and Statute Law Database] |
An Act for the Relief of His Majesty's Roman Catholic Subjects. (Also known as the Catholic Emancipation Act). | |
1830 | Public General Act, 11 George IV & 1 William IV, c. 20 | An Act to amend and consolidate the Laws relating to the Pay of the Royal Navy. | |
1830 | Public General Act, 11 George IV & 1 William IV, c. 40 | An Act for making better Provision for the Disposal of the undisposed of Residues of the Effects of Testators. | |
1830 | Public General Act, 11 George IV & 1 William IV, c. 47 | An Act for consolidating and amending the Laws for facilitating the Payment of Debts out of Real Estate. | |
1832 | Public General Act, 2 & 3 William IV, c. 40 | An Act to amend the Laws relating to the Business of the Civil Departments of the Navy, and to make other Regulations for more effectually carrying on the Duties of the said Departments. | |
1832 | Public General Act, 2 & 3 William IV, c. 87 | An Act to regulate the Office for registering Deeds, Conveyances, and Wills in Ireland. | |
1832 | Public General Act, 2 & 3 William IV, c. 115 | An Act for the better securing the Charitable Donations and Bequests of His Majesty's Subjects in Great Britain professing the Roman Catholic Religion. | |
1833 | Public General Act, 3 & 4 William IV, c. 42 | An Act for the further Amendment of the Law, and the better Advancement of Justice. | |
1833 | Public General Act, 3 & 4 William IV, c. 105, s. 4 | An Act for the Amendment of the Law relating to Dower. | |
1834 | Public General Act, 4 & 5 William IV, c. 25 | An Act to alter and extend the Provisions of an Act passed in the Eleventh Year of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Fourth, for amending and consolidating the Laws relating to the Pay of the Royal Navy. | |
1834 | Public General Act, 4 & 5 William IV, c. 40 | An Act to amend an Act of the Tenth Year of His late Majesty King George the Fourth, to consolidate and amend the Laws relating to Friendly Societies. | |
1836 | Public General Act, 6 & 7 William IV, c. 77 [and Statute Law Database] | An Act for carrying into effect the Reports of the Commissioners appointed to consider the State of the Established Church in England and Wales, with reference to Ecclesiastical Duties and Revenues, so far as they relate to Episcopal Dioceses, Revenues, and Patronage. | |
1837 | Public General Act, 7 William IV & 1 Victoria I, c. 26 [and Statute Law Database] | An Act for the Amendment of the Laws with respect to Wills. | |
1838 | Public General Act, 1 & 2 Victoria I, c. 110 [Statute Law Database] | An Act for abolishing Arrest on Mesne Process in Civil Actions, except in certain Cases; for extending the Remedies of Creditors against the Property of Debtors; and for amending the Laws for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors in England. | |
1839 | Public General Act, 2 & 3 Victoria I, c. 11 | An Act for the better Protection of Purchasers against Judgments, Crown Debts, Lis pendens, and Fiats in Bankruptcy. | |
1845 | Public General Act, 8 & 9 Victoria I, c. 97 | An Act to amend the Law respecting Testamentary Dispositions of Property in the Public Funds, and to authorize the Payment of Dividends on Letters of Attorney in certain Cases. | |
1847 | Public General Act, 10 & 11 Victoria I, c. 98 | An Act to amend the Law as to Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction in England. | |
1852 | Public General Act, 15 & 16 Victoria I, c. 24 | An Act for the Amendment of an Act passed in the First Year of the Reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, intituled An Act for the Amendment of the Laws with respect to Wills. | |
1857 | Public General Act, 20 & 21 Victoria I, c. 77 | An Act to amend the Law relating to Probates and Letters of Administration in England. | |
1857 | Public General Act, 20 & 21 Victoria I, c. 79, (Ireland) | An Act to amend the Law relating to Probates and Letters of Administration in Ireland. |
1268 Cardinal Othobon, papal legate |
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1329 Simon Mepham, archbishop of Canterbury |
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1342 John Stratford, archbishop of Canterbury |
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1604 [Richard Bancroft, bishop of London] |
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Swinburne, H. A Brief Treatise of Testaments and Last Willes |
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Burn, R. Ecclesiastical Law | 1763 edition | 1797 edition | 1842 edition |
Burn, R. Ecclesiastical Law | 1763 edition | 1797 edition | 1842 edition |
Burn, R. Ecclesiastical Law | 1763 edition | 1797 edition | 1842 edition |
Burn, R. Ecclesiastical Law |
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