![]() |
first v [5] muttons | xv s | |
Item beff | v s | vi d |
Item x [10] geese | vi s | viii d |
Item spice | ii s | ii d |
Item bread | iii s | d |
Item for bordes nales & for his chest | iii s | iii d |
Item to <them> that watched with him <in tyme of his sekenes> | x s |
Summa xlv s vi d
Summa de claro xliii li xxii d
Richerde JohnsonnMyles Whyte
Salvo iure &c.
et protestatur &c.
![]() ![]() |
first to Mr Chancelor | ii s | vi d |
Item to the Registrer for the probait of the will for Registering it for the bond & act |
vi s | iiii d |
To the Judg his man for wax | ii d | |
To the Apparitor | viii d |
Summa ix s viii d
apparitor | a court officer whose duty it was to summon persons to attend the court, and also on occasion to compell the attendance of interested parties who were too slow to initiate probate and administration proceedings |
[End of page 2 of 2. Ref: DPRI/1/1583/C10/2]
In the nane of god amen The xviith [17th] daye of Decembre in the xxxith [31st] yeare of the Reigne of our Soverayne Lady Elizabethe by the grace of god Quene of Englande Frannce & Irelonde defender of the faithe &c. I Peter Carter of Shinckleye beinge sicke in bodie and whole in mynde do maike this my laste will and testament in manner & forme as followethe first I bequeathe my sowle to almightie god and to all the holy company of Sainctes in heaven and my bodie to be buried within the parishe churche yearde of St Oswowldes Item I give & bequeathe unto George Megson of Iston x s. Item to my landes lorde Garnetes children in Blackwell xxx s. Item I give & bequeathe to everie one of John Carters children xvi d the summe viii s xvi d. Item I give & bequeathe to Jane Abbott one Reede Cowe. Item I give and bequeathe to my sister Elizabethe Robson one cowe & xx s in mony. Item I give & bequeathe to John Robson xiii s iiii d. Item I give and bequeathe to my sister Anne Abbott and hir children all my goodes movable & unmovable whome I do maike my whole executors of this my last will and Testament. Witnesses heareof John Robson Rawff Robson John Carter with others
reede cowe | a cow having reddish hair |
[End of page 1 of 1. Ref: DPRI/1/1589/C4/1]
![]() be devided into equall porcions and paid halfe yearlie |
In the name of the Lord God blessed for ever I will that these paymentes be made in manner and forme following First to Heugh Catlin xx s [20 s] every quarter of a yeare in discharge of his uncle and Auntes legacies during his life. Item to my sister Calre Draynor during her life 40 s per annum and 20 s per annum more, the one being her sisters (my late wives) legacie and the other an addicion of my owne. Item to Josua Draynor the some of 20 nobles left to him by my wife and albeit is not due to be paid till after his mothers decease yet I will it be paid out of the first woodes solde or to be solde as I gave John Draynor direccion at my last being in Kent. Item whereas I have trusted John Draynor with my busines in Kent, lett him be allowed five poundes above all Charges in his accompt being found faithfull as I doubt not but he will. As for my landes of all sortes, and houses whatsoever in Kent togeather with all moveables in any of the same houses I bequeath them to my brother Thomas during his life (paying the premisses) with all rentes due and unpaid makeing alsoe no waist in the wood landes. And after my brother Thomas his decease I will that the said landes be Charged with ten poundes per annum yearly to his … |
[End of page 1 of 1. Ref: DPRI/1/1631/S9/1]
In vayne Men travell abroad to know new Men and Countrys to Returne home and here live Ignorant of their owne, and which is most deplorable, strangers to themselves. What avayleth it a man to know, Nay to winn the whole World and loose his owne Soule. It is the morall mans meditacion, Know thy Selfe. But the most incomparable Sweet Study a Christian can conceive; for by searching of our Joyes and sounding the Depth of our Misseryes, wee are truelyest taught to take the h<e>ight of Gods mercyes When I looke backe upon my past dangers and view my present estate I cannot but melt in thankfullnes before the beames of Gods Divine Majesty. Lord what was I or my fathers Sonne that thou shouldest have soe regarded mee My Netts are fallen fairely thou hast given me a goodly Heritage But because I am here but a termer for life my tenure but du<r>eing pleasure, I Desire not to be found like the unwise Virgins to be without Oyle in my lamp therefore in all Humility I bow my selfe unto thee O father of Mercy that thou hast afforded me the leasure with my owne Hands to write the thoughts of my Hart yeilding most plentifull thankes for giveing me the grace to discend into my selfe sullyed with sinne and covered over with shame and Inquity I bequeath my Soule into the Hands of my Redeemer Christ Jesus who made a sufficient sacrifice once for all promiseing that whosoever beleiveth in his Name shall not perish but have everlasting life in this assuerance I hope that the Wall of partition in my Sinns dayly built up betwixt mee and my Saviour by the pretious Blood of Christ Jesus shall be throwen downe, soe that when this earthly tabernacle shall bee Disolved: I hope this Mortallity shall put on Immortallity and this corrupcion incorruption I yeild my Body to the grave whole and un opened as it came out of the grave Desireing it may be Buryed where my Lady Katherine Wentworth and my Wife lyes I wish my funeralls may be modest voyd of vayne expence Coveting Rather to live in the Memory of good Men, and leave a good Odor behind mee, then to Lye Ingraven in Marble and Brass. January fourth One thousand Six Hundred Sixty Eight. W Grey.
With thee O Lord, who art both Alpha and Omega I must begin and end thou that wert without begining and art without end in all humility I prostrate my Soule & Body before thy mercy Seate Sweet Saviour Jesus Christ Jesus thou that Humbledst thy selfe beneath man to exalt man above himselfe, thou that art Wisdome righteousness and sanctificacion, Lord, let thy Righteousnes cover my Sins; thou Sealedst a generall pardon unto all, canst not deny <it> unto any that Search for it with beleefe in thy Name; Since therefore Deare Jesus thou hast trode the Wine presse for us, and that by thy stripes wee are healed, Lord of thy Mercy hide my Sinns in thy Wounds bury them in thy grave, that they may not rise up here to accuse me, Nor hereafter to condemne me; Learne me O Lord to be dissolved, and to <be> with Christ which is best for eye hath not seene, nor Eare heard, nor hath it Entered into the Heart of Man, what is lay'd up in store for true beleivers. Come therefore Christ Jesus come quickly.W Grey:
January the fourth 1668.
Wittnesses Andrea Harrington : James Chartier : Roger Wentworth.
Concordat cum Registro Curiæ Praerogativæ
Cantuariensis facta Collacione per meMark Cottle Registrum
[Concords with the Register of the Prerogative Court
of Canterbury, collated by meMark Cottle Registrar]
[End of page 1 of 1. Ref: DPRI/1/1675/G14/1]
Buiry me deacently with Chesser Chees att Night to the old
& Suffolk Chees to the young & one the Buirell day Chesser
Chees to all & breed & wine with to bakko & pips
whatt leavs affter Beurall & Leagises give to my Brother
there will be a nough & anough for you All
therefor as I said do all things without striving
& also quitly without Publishing much, att Preasent
chesser | Cheshire |
to bakko | tobacco |
pips | pipes |
[End of page 1 of 1. Ref: DPRI/1/1740/C2/1]
[li] | [s] | [d] | ||
28 | For the proxse and to Gabriell Jackson is | 000 | 05 | 06 |
For showing horses for our Journey to Durham with the children | 000 | 00 | 09 | |
For spent at Raphe Kympes in charges of our selves and horses a night and a day given to the people in the house & to the poore | 000 | 18 | 06 | |
For paper for two bookes is | 000 | 00 | 04 | |
paid Bulmer Ile for Comfits &c. for the buriall of Cuthbert | 006 | 17 | 00 | |
paid for a mourning gowne his widdow had is | 003 | 12 | 04 | |
For given the poore at his buriall is | 002 | 00 | 00 | |
For the Church charges is | 000 | 15 | 06 | |
For whirrie hier bringing up his body from Heworth | 000 | 02 | 06 | |
For a Chest for the Corps is | 000 | 14 | 00 | |
For wine and Cakes, Cheese and Candle the first night is | 000 | 11 | 10 | |
For scutions 12 shillings and for his funerall sermond xi [11] s both is | 001 | 03 | 00 | |
For suger for wine 22 d and to Mr Astell for counsell at first | 000 | 06 | 10 | |
For given Robert Hull for warning the company to the buriall | 000 | 01 | 00 | |
For waying the plat 6 d and for wine that day the goods was praised | 000 | 02 | 05 | |
For Charges that day the goodes was praised at Heworth | 000 | 01 | 09 | |
For caring of wood of the ground at Heworth is | 000 | 02 | 06 | |
For Roberts entring money and to the children on collipe munday | 000 | 01 | 02 | |
For mending the three childrens clothes and showes is | 000 | 02 | 00 | |
For an Appen for Alice Ellison is | 000 | 02 | 06 | |
For wages paid for keeping the Cattle is | 000 | 14 | 00 | |
For candles to looke to the cattle is | 000 | 01 | 00 | |
For 2 gades 3 d and buring 1 daye | 000 | 01 | 01 | |
For buring 11 days and filling 2 pites is | 000 | 05 | 05 | |
For a man 5 dayes following the plowe is | 000 | 01 | 08 |
appen | happing [?]: a coarse covering , a rough rug for a bed |
buring | boring, to sink a bore-hole (in mining) |
collipe [Collop] munday | the day before Shrove Tuesday, on which fried bacon and eggs still form the appropriate dish in many places |
comfit | a sweetmeat made of some fruit, root, etc., preserved with sugar |
gade [gad] | a pointed tool of iron or steel, used in mining |
plat [plate] | gold, gilt or silver vessels and utensils |
proxse [proxy] | a legal instrument or document appointing, in this case, a proctor (attorney) to represent and act for his client |
scutions [escutcheons] | funeral escutcheons or hatchments were shield-shaped, usually wooden, boards on which a coat of arms was painted, and which were displayed at the funeral |
whirrie [wherry] | a light rowing-boat used chiefly on rivers to carry passengers and goods |
[End of page 1 of 1. Ref: DPRI/1/1632/E3/4]
1 st | This is the last will and testament of me Peter Bowlby of Old Elvet near the city of Durham gentleman. In order to promote the interests of science I direct that as soon after my death as conveniently may be, my body be delivered to Mr Clifton or Mr William Green for the purpose of being dissected. I desire that the remains may afterwards be interred beside the body of my deceased wife; and that my funeral shall be as private as my wife's was. |
2 nd | On the death of the Reverend John Bacon, I or my personal representatives will be entitled to receive the distributive share to which my deceased wife as the widow of the late Mr George Bacon was entitled in the monies which have arisen from certain leasehold lands, in which lands the said George Bacon at the time of his death had a vested interest: Now, in case my step-sons John Bacon and William Bacon or either of them shall attain the age of twenty one years, I do hereby renounce and disclaim in favor of my said sons or the survivor of them all my right and interest in the beforementioned distributive share; But in case neither of them shall attain the age of twenty one years, then I direct Russell Bowlby and Julia Bowlby my brother and sister hereinafter named as two of the executors of this my will, to recover payment of the said distributive share and to stand possessed <thereof> in trust for my daughter Mary Bowlby, the same to be paid to her at her age of twenty one years or day of marriage which may first happen, provided that her marriage be with the consent of her guardians hereinafter named, the interest in the mean time to be applied for her maintenance and education: And if my daughter shall die before the time appointed for payment , then I direct that the said distributive share be divided amongst all my brothers and sisters in equal shares. |
3 rd | In case of the death of both my said sons under the age of twenty one years, I will as the executor named in the will of my late wife be entitled to the sum of one thousand pounds, the portion advanced by Mrs Darnell the mother of my said wife on the marriage of the latter to Mr George Bacon, which sum is now secured on mortgage of an estate belonging to the Reverend John Bacon: Now I give and bequeath all my contingent interest in the said sum of one thousand pounds unto the said Mrs Darnell to and for her … |
[End of page 1 of 1. Ref: DPRI/1/1825/B19/1]
Christopher Reed Surrogate
In the Name of God Amen.
Whereas it has pleased the Almighty up
to this Time to grant me a Life clear
from any very violent Sickness, for which
I am truely grateful. But a dissolution
is sure to take place & remove us all,
& may I hope & trust from this to another
& better world & when that Event takes
place, my wish is that my Executors & Friends
will observe as follows.
1 That my Body be kept untill every
appearance of Life is gone, if it happen
in the Winter, the Interment should be early
as the Tomb will take up some time.
2 That my Body shall not be opened nor
anything done by Surgeons &c.&.
3 That there be no Bearers, nor any of
my second Nephews (they being very nume
rous) <except S. Kelso Junior> nor any Nephews from a Distance
only those in the immediate Neighbour
hood. And as the Distance to the Church
is short, that there be only two Horses to the …
[End of page 1 of 1. Ref: DPRI/1/1834/W22/7]
The true and perfect declaracion of the Accompt of Robert Bell of Beall within the Chappellry of Lowicke, the Administrator of the goodes chatles debtes and credittes of Thomas Bell his late father deceased, in manner and forme following. |
Inprimis the said Administrator and accomptant, doth charge himselfe with the goods chatles debtes & creditts of the said deceased, as appereth by the Inventory therof made, which in all Amounteth to the somme of | xix li | xviii s | ii d |
![]() |
First for the Fee of Raph Reveley gentleman Coroner upon view of the said deceasedes body being accidentally drowned the somme of | xiii s | iv d | |
to sundrie people who made search in the water for the corps of the said deceased & caried him to the place of his buriall, which was payd by this accomptant | vi s | viii d | |
Item paid by the said Accomptant for the funerall charges of the said deceased | x s | ||
Item paid by the accomptant to John Orde of Barwick Alderman for the said deceasedes debt due for arrerages of rent the somme of | xlvii s | i d | |
Item Paid by the said accomptant for the deceased his debt, to Ellener Smith of Beall widdow for moneyes borrowed & corne taken to a day | xl s | ||
Item payd by this accomptant to William Selby of Beall gentleman, for the debt of the said deceased, due for arrerage of rentes | xvi s | ||
Item paid by the accomptant for the said deceasedes debt, to William Archbald of Bowsden for an oxe | xlvi s | ||
paid for the debt of the said deceased to Thomas Collingwood of Buckton gentleman for a paire of waine wheeles, which was satisfied by this accomptant | xxi s |
wain | A large open vehicle or wagon, drawn by horses or oxen, for carrying heavy loads, especially of agricultural produce |
[End of page 1 of 1. Ref: DPRI/1/1635/B2/1]
Article 2d | ![]() request the advice, & assistance of the Dean & Chapter of Durham particularly Dr Mangey; Dr Randle, Mr Shafto Rector of Gateshead, Mr Rudd Vicar of Elvett Dr Hunter & the rest of my learned acquaintance |
Article 3rd | ![]() the last tryal which is made for the sale of my Books, be with Mr Joseph Button Bookseller on Tyne Bridge, who has promised to give considerably more for them, than any Body else shall offerr upon the Square. I have given him my word, it shall be so, & I hope my Executors will not forget itt. |
Article 4th | ![]() 10 a Clock at night for the Ceremony; only a Velvett Pall, without Escutcheons no more than Six Bearers, with Rings, Scarfes, & Gloves, Dr Eden one of the Six. I can go no further at present, considering the Impotence, I am Reduc't to, by prosperous Villainy. |
Article 5th | ![]() with a Blew, or black stone, & to Fix a modest Monument of White Marble against the Wall of the Cross Isle of the Cathedral to the North, opposite to the Clock. The rest not to exceed Fifty pounds, if <less> the better; The Inscription to be in an Oval, or Square with the usual Ornaments of Tooling & working in that Form. |
escutcheon | funeral escutcheons or hatchments were shield-shaped, usually wooden, boards on which a coat of arms was painted, and which was displayed at the funeral |
pall | a cloth, usually of black, purple, or white velvet, spread over a coffin, hearse, or tomb |
tryal | attempt |
[End of page 1 of 1. Ref: DPRI/1/1725/H6/3-4]
Robert Green, Surrogate
I Reginald Little being of Sound mind & judgement
but very much impaired in Bodily Health & Strength and
knowing the uncertainty of this transitory existance
do make this my last will & testament to say in the
first place I would wish my body to be opened & inspected
by <Mr Bennett Surgeon or> some medical man and also Dr Headlam <& Dr White>
(provided they
think it worth the trouble <without pay>) as my disease has baffeled
the most skilful men, and the only ilness I had was
a most severe pain in <my> Chest, & a burning heat
in the Stomach & which has continued about 3 ½ years
previous to this date, & my reason for being opened is
that it may throw some light on medical science &
ultimately may prove a benefit to my fellow creatures
similarly held - this is only if I should die in NewCastle
or within two or 3 miles from it - and I give & bequeath
unto my Godson Henry Waters <Seven> Pounds to be paid
him out of the £47 promissory note which I hold on
his father Cuthbert Waters - & I also give & bequeathe
unto my Godson Joseph Jordon Five Pounds.
<This to be free of duty / Legacy)>
& my Gold Watch I give unto Mrs Jordon as a
mark of respect <& Gratitude> for her kind attention while …
[End of page 1 of 1. Ref: DPRI/1/1838/L9/1]
Debts owing by the said John Dowgloss
at the houre of his death
Item owing to John Robson of the Heigh | iiii s | ||
Item more owing for Grasse meale | xxx s | vi d | |
Item owing to William Johnston | xx s | vi d | |
Item owing to Robert Buckham | iiii s | viii d | |
Item owing to Henry Brownes wife of Harbottle | xvi s | ||
Item owing to Anne Scott | v s | ||
Item owing to William Todd | xx s | ||
Item owing to George Hogg | viii s | ||
Item owing to Thomas Davison of Newton | x s | ||
Item owing to Thomas Browne of the Newhall | ix s | vi d | |
Item owing to George Pott of Netherton | v s | ||
Item owing to my Ladie Widdrington for rent | viii li | ||
Item more owing to Rolland Robson | v li | ||
Item disbursed to the Crooner and for his funerall <the whole and just summ of> |
viii li | iii d | |
Summa Totalis | xxviii li | ix s | iii d |
Mark Scott William Potts |
Henry Browne his marke George Davison his marke |
crooner | a Scots or Northern dialect word for a singer who makes a murmuring lament or moan |
[End of page 1 of 1. Ref: DPRI/1/1642/D5/3]